How Long Does It Take to Read 17 Pages

Reading is the best thing I've done to help myself progress professionally.

From working every bit a retail store director and in a call center, to working as a senior marketing manager for one of the world's largest publishing companies to a senior content marketer for an online and mobile giving provider, reading has been the most influential catalyst in my professional development.

Just trying to read more than books can exist frustrating.

At that place's work, family, demands, lack of time, and Big books.

If y'all're feeling overwhelmed, you're not alone.

How to Read a 240-Page Book in 2 Hours

Like most professionals and students, you accept a list of books you want to read the length of your arm. A listing of books you'd like to finish by the end of this year.

Here'due south the deal:

You can read more books without learning how to speed read.

In this post, I'one thousand going to evidence you how to read more books in less time.

We're going to cover the following topics:

  • What is the average reading speed?
  • How practise I test my reading speed?
  • How long does information technology take to read 100 pages?
  • How long does it take to read 200 pages?
  • How long does it take to read 300 pages?
  • What you lot demand to know before reading a book
  • 4 steps to reading a 240-page book in two hours
  • Why yous should pace your reading
  • When not to read this way

Alright, happy reading!

What is the boilerplate reading speed?

Based on a speed-reading survey by Staples, the average adult reading speed is 300 words per minute (wpm).

In this study, the team also observed these dissimilar reading speeds based on someone'due south level of education:

  • Boilerplate higher pupil = 450
  • Average "high-level executive" = 575
  • Boilerplate college professor = 675
  • Speed readers = one,500
  • Globe speed reading champion = 4,700 (yikes!)

I understand these numbers may feel vague to you, so let's take a look at the length of some books to aid you encounter how fast you can read a book.

For starters, the boilerplate count for a folio in a book is 250–300 depending upon its trim size, margins, and font size. If you read 300 words per minute, and then you will able to read one page in 49–60 seconds.

These numbers may encourage or discourage yous simply hang tight. Help is on the way.

How do I test my reading speed?

"How fast can I read?"

After seeing the average reading speeds above, you'd probably like to know how fast you tin can read.

Well, if you lot take a few minutes, here are iv-steps you can take to examination your reading speed:

Pace 1: Set up a timer

For this practice, you're going to read for one infinitesimal.

Before you first, set a timer for 1 minute on your telephone, picket, or online.

Information technology doesn't matter what yous use equally long equally you're ready to fourth dimension your reading.

Stride ii: Pick a regular book

For this examination, you don't want to read a lexicon or a book with small font and margins. You lot want to pick a book you ordinarily read. This way your reading examination will exist equally accurate every bit possible.

Step 3: Read, read, and read

Alright, at present it's time to read!

Hit the start push on your timer and read until the time expires.

Equally you lot read, go along these three tips in heed:

  • Don't look at the fourth dimension equally yous read
  • Don't try to read faster than normal
  • But read at your average pace

If you follow these three-pointers, and so you won't throw off the results of your examination.

Step 4: Stop and count

Information technology'southward time to test your results.

Hither are the 4 steps yous'll need to have to effigy out how fast yous can read:

  1. Count the number of words per line for iv lines
  2. Carve up this number by 4
  3. Count the number of lines y'all read during your 1-minute examination
  4. Multiply the number from stride 2 past the number in step 4 to go your average reading speed per minute

Let me bear witness you lot how!

#1. Count the number of words per line for four lines

In this case, I'k reading Real Artists Don't Starve by Jeff Goins.

How to Read a 240-Page Book in 2 Hours

On this page, there are 44 words in the offset iv lines.

#ii. Divide this number by four

Alright, 44 words divided by four equals 11 words per line.

44 ÷ iv = xi

If you lot come up upward with an uneven number, then round upward or down to the closest number. Every bit a way of example, yous would round up 12.half-dozen to thirteen, or you would round down 12.4 to 12.

#3. Count the number of lines you read during your one-minute examination

In this test, permit's say I read 44 lines in 1 minute.

#four. Multiply the number from stride 2 past the number in footstep 4 to get your average reading speed per minute

Okay, so I read 44 lines in ane minute, and the average words per line are 11, then this means I read 484 words.

44 lines 10 11 words per line = 484

How many words practice you read per minute?

Depending on how much time yous have, it's best to accept the examination above 3–five times and average your results from every test. This will requite you a pretty good idea of your reading speed.

Not happy with your reading speed?

Don't worry if your reading speed doesn't compare well to the averages shared to a higher place. Learning how to read faster is not nearly where you commencement. Information technology's virtually where you're going. And yous can significantly increase your reading speed at any age.

Now that y'all know your reading speed, let'southward accept a look at how long it will have y'all to read average volume lengths.

To effigy out how long it will have to read a book that is 100, 200, or 300 pages long, let's assume the average word count per page is 250–300 and that your reading speed is 300 words per infinitesimal.

How long does it take to read 100 pages?

If the average page has 250–300 words, so the word count for a 100-page book totals 25,000–30,000.

Past reading 300 words per minute, it will have you 83–100 minutes to read this book.

How long does it accept to read 200 pages?

At 200 pages, the total give-and-take count for this book equals 50,000–60,000.

If you lot read 300 words per minute, then it volition take you lot 166–200 minutes to read this book.

How long does information technology accept to read 300 pages?

If the book you want to read is 300 pages, then the word count for this book is between 75,000–90,000.

If you read 300 words per infinitesimal, and then it volition take you 250–300 minutes to read this book.

Hate doing math? Or don't have time to run the numbers?

Join the society.

To help you see how long it will take to read some of the nigh popular books, NPR'south Fresh Air created this nifty infographic:

How to Read a 240-Page Book in 2 Hours

Is the volume yous need to read not in the list above?

To observe out how long information technology will have you to read whatever book is on your list, check out How Long to Read. On this site, you can search over 12 million books to run across how long it will accept you to read if your average reading speed is 300 words per minute.

Recently, I read The Stand by Stephen Male monarch, and then I was curious to acquire how long it should have taken me to read it. I read the complete and uncut version, which comes in at a whopping—nonetheless enjoyable—1,439 pages.

Honestly, I don't recollect how long it took me to read this book. I read it at nighttime earlier going to bed, read several hundred pages, took a break, and picked it dorsum upward a few months later to stop.

Based on How Long to Read, it should have taken me at least 17 hours:

How to Read a 240-Page Book in 2 Hours

Since I read this at night to relax, I imagine it took me every chip of 17 hours to complete.

Ready to read? Kickoff here

To help you lot read non-fiction books faster, you'll demand to know the design that nigh of them follow. Agreement this pattern ahead of time will help yous read faster and retain what you read.

Hither's the format nearly non-fiction books follow:

#one. Introduction of the chapter

The introduction of a chapter will provide you with the point an writer is trying to make.

In the introduction, an writer's goal is to entice y'all to read the rest of the chapter. To do this, they're going to talk most their thesis—the indicate they want to make—in such a compelling way that you'll exist interested in moving on.

You tin can also expedite this step past reading the final paragraph of the introductory remarks.

Looking over again at Real Artists Don't Starve by Jeff Goins, you can see the message he wants to convey in the last paragraph of his introduction:

How to Read a 240-Page Book in 2 Hours

#two. Sections

After the introduction and before the conclusion, the private capacity are broken down into multiple sub-sections. In the image above, you tin can encounter the title of one sub-section: The Rule of Ownership.

In the beginning judgement or toward the beginning of each department, the writer will share the point he or she wants to brand. Within each department, the individual paragraphs will provide supporting information and illustrations to testify their bespeak.

For nigh non-fiction books, you lot tin read the beginning paragraph and last paragraph to learn the point of the sub-department you're reading.

#iii. Decision

When I preached on occasions for a local church I once served, a standard principle I learned in public communications was to tell people what y'all're going to say, tell them, and so tell them what you told them. The aforementioned principle is a skillful 1 to follow for non-fiction books, likewise.

The concluding remarks of a chapter should reiterate the author's main point from the introduction. If the conclusion is written well, and so the writer volition not nowadays new ideas. But they will share a cliffhanger to entice you lot to turn the folio to the next chapter.

Now that you lot know how the average non-fiction book is laid out, you are set to movement forrard with learning how to increase your reading speed.

four steps to reading a 240-page book in ii hours

In that location volition be times when you need to read a book speedily.

Whether you're cramming for a presentation, preparing for an examination, or writing a research paper or web log post, yous'll need to know how to devour a volume equally chop-chop every bit possible.

To learn how to read a 240-page book, let's imagine you're reading Real Artists Don't Starve by Jeff Goins (no surprises hither, right?).

#one. Read the book description

Well written book descriptions will tell yous in a few hundred words or less what the volume is about, the benefits you'll receive, and a cliffhanger to hogtie you to purchase the book.

Here's the description of Real Artists Don't Starve:

Bestselling author and creativity adept Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing how an artistic temperament is in fact a competitive reward in the market.

For centuries, the myth of the starving artist has dominated our culture, seeping into the minds of creative people and stifling their pursuits. Just the truth is that the world'south most successful artists did not starve. In fact, they capitalized on the ability of their creative strength.

In Existent Artists Don't Starve, Jeff Goins debunks the myth of the starving artist by unveiling the ideas that created it and replacing them with timeless strategies for thriving, includingsteal from your influences (don't await for inspiration), collaborate with others (working alone is a surefire way to starve), take strategic risks (instead of reckless ones), make coin in order to brand more art (it'due south non selling out), and amateur nether a master (a "lone genius" tin can never achieve full potential).

Through inspiring anecdotes of successful creatives both by and present, Goins shows that living by these rules is not just doable only it's besides a fulfilling way to thrive. From graphic designers and writers to artists and business organization professionals, creatives already know that no i is born an artist.

Goins' revolutionary rules celebrate the process of condign an artist, a person who utilizes the imagination in fundamental ways. He reminds creatives that business organisation and art are not mutually exclusive pursuits. In fact, success in business organisation and in life menstruum from a healthy practice of creativity.

Y'all'll exist well on your fashion to agreement how yous'll benefit from Jeff'south book after reading this clarification.

#2. Make up one's mind your reading goal

From what you know well-nigh the book from the description, what do you need to learn? What is the purpose of the book? What benefits do you wait you receive?

In How to Read a Book, author Mortimer Adler identifies four-levels of reading:

  • Simple
  • Inspectional
  • Analytical
  • Synoptical

Based on your reading goals, will you demand to take a superficial approach and get the high-level ideas? Or do you need to mine the depths of the book you lot're reading by unearthing everything you can?

I highly recommend How to Read a Book, but, if you lot don't take the time to read this classic, and so check out this postal service from Brian Clark on Copyblogger: How to Read. Brian shares everything with you lot that you'll demand to know.

Before moving frontward, determine your reading goal.

#three. Skim the table of contents

How is the book cleaved down?

Did the writer provide unlike sections?

Are there loosely tied together chapters?

Is there an introduction, acknowledgments, and epilogue?

After reading the table of contents, select the chapters you need to read to attain your goal.

But keep this mind:

What you need to read may modify after yous start reading.

Then, be open to reading dissimilar or additional chapters.

#4. Suspension the capacity down into time blocks

When you lot give yourself 2 hours to read a book, you have to pace yourself.

In other words, you have to set up a limit on how long you lot'll spend reading each chapter.

For the sake of this exercise, say you read 300 words per minute.

Now, how many pages does the chapter you need to read have?

Based on the numbers above, if it's 20 pages or less, then you'll be able to terminate it in the time y'all have.

For Real Artists Don't Starve, there are twelve capacity yous tin read (not including the epilogue). This means you lot will have 10 minutes at virtually to read every chapter.

If yous're pressed for fourth dimension and choose to read every chapter, then you may demand to only read the introduction and determination, so read the showtime and last sentence of every paragraph. This will assist you to grasp the main bespeak the author is trying to brand.

For the record, when I employ this approach, I'1000 typically pressed for time or attempting to read a wide variety of books for something I'm writing. Just more on this in a minute.

Why footstep your reading?

Setting your step is essential to reading a book in two hours or less.

If you don't pace yourself, then y'all'll end up sending 1 60 minutes and 45 minutes absorbing a few capacity but blaze through the balance of the book.

The outcome: An imbalance understanding of the book.

Pacing yourself eliminates this problem.


It allows you to give the essential topics equal attention.

More than importantly, when yous spend less time on scannable books, you take more than time to clamber through the heavier ones.

When not to read this fashion

This method is not intended for every volume. Use this simply when you demand to read something quickly.

Many books you read require a slow, conscientious reading—not a high-level overview. These are classics similar War and Peace, contemporary novels, or religious texts like the Bible.

Notwithstanding, many contemporary business organization books are heavy on ideas and lite on content. This doesn't mean these books lack depth—far from it.

What I'm maxim is that these books take been written in such a way to convey an thought in a clear, concise, and compelling way, as are many of the five usability books every web writer must read, except for Morville and Rosenfeld'due south.

Your plough

I'll repeat it: You lot don't desire to read every book this mode.

In the words of Francis Bacon, "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to exist chewed and digested."

Whenever you approach a new book, determine your reading goals alee of fourth dimension. Then programme your reading accordingly.

This mode y'all can comprehend more in less time. And stockpile in your brain simply the essential and vital ideas.

What exercise you think about chapter pacing? Practice you have whatsoever speed reading tips you tin can share? Drop a line in the comments beneath!


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